Monday, May 25, 2020

The Effects Of Advertising On Our Society - 1504 Words

If your walking down the street, driving in your car, or listening to radio there is no doubt that you’ve hear or seen an ad. In todays world we live off of the things that the companies try to sell us. As it seems that we are presented with a new problem with the way ads are targeted to the consumer. Ads are much more than a product selling campaign, now it’s an unrealistic ideology of body perfection. This kind of product pushing comes with many different side effects that we as a consumer, might not realize. It is so detrimental that it becomes imbedded in your subconscious. Technology has made it to the point where it’s hard to tell what is real and fake. Advertising has created a pandemic in the way we view the body image of ourselves and the opposite sex in society. The â€Å"perfect† image is damaging to people causing an alarming growth in the form of psychological and health issues in the consumer. In today’s modern time, we are evolving i n the digital world at a rapid rate. We can no longer live without an ad popping up with every turn we make. Usually these ads come across as playful or appealing depending on the demographic. As time progresses from early forms of advertisement, we are seeing an alarming trending in the way ads have portrayed men and women as unrealistic body figures. Ads tend to sell a type of perfection to the consumer, say that we must have a perfect body, look, or style. In a recent article posted to they defined the current state ofShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Advertising On Our Society947 Words   |  4 Pagesto an audience is advertisement. Advertising is a form of art that advertisers used to persuade a common mind and change the opinion of that person about particular product or to introduce him with a new product. As living this fast pace life when nobody can afford to spend their precious time to look for new trends and impressive innovation, but at the same time want to meet the standards of society by owning and acknowledging about these trends, then advertising is the most convenient way to seekRead MoreEffects Of Advertising On Children And The Overall Effects It Has On Our Society1404 Words   |  6 Pageshave been many ethical debates on its rightness; is advertising to children a gentle persuasion of the innocent or a sinister threat to our society? There’s too much as stake if we remain silent and simply assume that marketing companies have our children’s best interests at heart; the truth is they don’t. This paper will explore to implications of marketing to children and the overall effects it has on our society. I will argue that advertising to children is a social problem. 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